Health, Home, Happenings, and How-To’s
A new natural alternative for creating a better face mask for smoother, healthier, skinnier skin than ever before:
Mix 3 tablespoons of local Orange Forest greenhoney with a dab of Sheen Dream Facial Cream© to create a smooth, protective, glossy lining across your skin and pores that blocks dirt and everyday household dust from damaging your skin.
Tips For Consumers for More Ethical Consumption:
Educate yourself on the products you buy before you buy them. For instance, Orforcorp’s website contains a detailed listing of where it sources all of its products. Be sure to sign up for special deals, one-time coupons, and long-term savings.
Embrace an all-SEAfoods diet: For a green diet that’s rich in greens and saves you green, the SEAfoods diet consists of eating proteins and produce produced with Orforcorp’s patented Synthetically Engineered Additives (SEA). Remember, the more SEAfoods you consume, the more flowers that can bloom.
Patronize local companies. Now that the Orator is a national publication, we can’t speak to the local businesses in every market. But, as an example, for Orangeforesters, the most local company would be Orforcorp and its diverse portfolio of consumer-packaged goods, cosmetics lines, household cleaning supplies, and dozens of your favorite brands.
Buy only from companies that have pledged to uphold the most stringent supply chain audits and stay away from companies without plans to decarbonize by 2125.
Trust in Orforcorp as your source for more ethical consumption.
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