“From the Archives” will be a special section throughout 2025 that reprints pivotal and critical stories from the Orange Forest Orator’s illustrious 75-year history.
Orange Forest Press Forge Presses Forward,
Forging Future Press-Forging Progress
Jan. 1, 1950 — On a frigid sunny day, a gay parade converged on Progress Boulevard, forcing the automobiles that typically dominate the bustling thoroughfare to take a hike for the day. The parade consisted of local high school marching bands, law enforcement corps, firefighters, the Grand Bonaparte leading his regimented Grande Armée of Fraternal Forester Executives all resplendent in full ceremonial regalia, followed by veterans from every armed forces branch, and many more, extending, at one point, the length of 12 city blocks, and which was given exuberant applause by bright-eyed on-lookers, big-hearted well-wishers, and apple-cheeked children.
The parade’s path ended at the newly commissioned Tetracitys Industrys Press Forge, a 12-story behemoth towering over the gathered attendees. After breaking ground in 1944 and many years of hard work, this new Press Forge, with 50,000 tons of force and foundations 125 ft deep into the ground, is now the largest machine in the world. Company representatives say it will support more than 2,000 jobs.
Quincy Forbin Jambres Junior, the newly elected 23-year-old chief executive officer of TetraCitys, extended oversized scissors and easily snipped through the red ribbon and announced the official commissioning of the Tetracitys Industrys Press Forge.
“Thanks to the forward-thinking Tullock Policy the Board of Order enacted, the ease with which the red ribbon was snipped by Quincy Forbin Junior symbolizes the ease that companies of all types face when they deal with the City of Orange Forest’s red tape,” proclaimed Mayor Franklin Maplemay. “All it takes is a simple snip.”
The ceremony exemplifies the quintessential American Dream and Orange Forest Goal. What started as a couple of hutments and a tiny wooden shed used as a chemical and dying laboratory located past even the furthest outskirts of development and beyond the reach of any municipal regulation has not only now made history, but it has placed the bustling City of Orange Forest smackdab on the map. The city owes everything and more to TetraCitys Industrys and its predecessor, The Jannes & Jambres Brothers Chartered & Consolidated Commercial Chemicals, Industrial Dyes, & Press Forgings Company, Inc. An educated man of good social standing could argue that the merger of Doctor Jambres’ Druggist, Tonicks, and Cyclostyling practice with Jannes & Sons Lyeing, Dyeing, & Forging, Inc. truly established the origin of the City of Orange Forest. Quite frankly, most educated and respectable men would agree that the City of Orange Forest would not exist today if the entrepreneurial geniuses of Jannes and Jambres had not incorporated that strip of desolate and undeveloped land in the first place. All educated and respectable men of good social standing even go so far as to rightfully state that the beginning of Jannes & Jambres was the beginning of the City of Orange Forest. Jannes and Jambres stand as our Remus and our Romulus.
Using funding from the War Production Board (WPB), Quincy Forbin Jambres Junior has elevated TetraCitys Industrys beyond its previous production numbers by magnitudes in the thousands, with workers flocking to Orange Forest from all over the valley region, everywhere from Port Azure to the south and Nomadville to the north. And, similar to how the simple snipping of red ribbon symbolizes the ease with which businesses can navigate the City’s red tape, the Press Forge itself represents the City of Orange Forest’s ability to smash together peoples and ideas and histories of all types and forge those disparate peoples and ideas and histories into one benevolent, utilitarian, and vital piece of machinery for crushing poverty while advancing humanity’s progress.
This Press Forge, along with the grand advancements in Richard Abraham’s “1950 Orange Forest Urban Renewable and Architectural Plan” currently under construction on Pewter Avenue, stand as timeless testaments to the City of Orange Forest as a beacon, a bastion, and a bunker of progress, innovation, and the dreams of a better future. Most importantly, they reaffirm the realization of the unfettered American Dream and Orange Forest Goal that have made so many so prosperous, so great, and so free. As we, a single body politic, bravely face down those dreaded Valley Authorities designed to enslave us under dictator-like conditions, let us remember the fortitude, perseverance, and grace with which magnanimous privately owned corporations bless us with the golden crumbs they provide you, me, and the entire world.
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